A bit about me

1. What is your middle name?
The name I go by on here is actually my middle name 😉

2. What was your favourite subject at school?

Definitely psychologically and family studies!!! I loved the projects I got to put together 

3. What is your favourite drink?

Coca-cola. But it's even better from a glass bottle. 

4. What is your favourite song at the moment?

I'm really into Lorde right now after seeing her at a festival, so really anything she sings at this time.

5. What is your favourite food?

Pizza, tacos, schnitzel, chicken nuggets! I like a lot of food. To get me to pick just one is impossible 😂

6. What is the last thing you bought?

I'm pretty sure it was a 2/$1 cup of noodles 🍝 

7. Favourite book of all time?

I'm not much of a reader but I do really enjoy joey graceffa's book 'in real life'

8. Favourite Colour?

I'm a sucker for ANYTHING rose gold!!!

9. Do you have any pets?

Yes, 2 cats(cliff and Olaf) 1 fish(hank) and 3 chickens (jasmin, clover, and bluebell). I had a dog(piper) but unfortunately they can't life forever. And yes Olaf and hank are named after Disney characters. 

10. Favourite Perfume?

I am in love with my Chanel!

11. Favourite Holiday?

Halloween (if it counts) only because it's the only one you don't get together with family

12. Are you married?

No, but I hope I do some day. 

13. Have you ever been out of the country?

Yes, the country I currently live in is one unmoved to as a child. I am moving back to my home country (Australia) next month. After moving I went to Disneyland which was chill. So I have left both countries I have resided in. 

14. Do you speak any other language?

I can say hello in a few languages but that's about it

15. How many siblings do you have?

2. A big brother and a little sister. 

16. What is your favourite shop?

I don't shop so I'm going to say the merch booth at a concert counts. 

17. Favourite restaurant?

Japanese village 👍🏻

18. When was the last time you cried?

Today actually

19. Favourite Blog?


20. Favourite Movie?

The outsiders or 10 year plan 

21. Favourite TV show?


22. PC or Mac?

I own a PC but mostly use my phone. 

23. What phone do you have?

iPhone but I wish I still has my Samsung. 

24. How tall are you?

5ft5.5 which I like to round up to 5ft6

25. Can you cook?

When I make my own creation yes! If I have to follow a recipe I fail 👎🏻

Xoxo Elyce 

Twitter: @ElyceWrites96


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