
Why is it when you bend over backwards for friends you're a good friend but the second you're done with being used and stop dropping everything for someone you're a selfish bitch? 

Making or even keeping friends when you're in the real world is so hard! Especially if you're an introvert like me. 

So why is it that some friends they can walk all over you? It's because they take your friendship and use it against you. They think it's ok when really it isn't. They don't see the tears and pain they cause. 

I had a friend who I hung out with everyday for 2 years then one day she stopped messaging or answering. So I gave up. If my friends can't take 2 seconds to say "sorry busy" then I'm not going to make the effort anymore. Anyway this friend ended up only messaging me when she was bored and had no one else to hang out with. Things got worse then better then worse then better then suddenly she moved without even a goodbye. Well she eventually came back and tonight she wanted to hang out so I responded and 30 minutes later she finally read my message. It has now been an hr since I answered and NOTHING. Guess someone better came along. 

If you have a friend like this, stop putting yourself through the pain and cut the string keeping you together. It may hurt BUT it'll feel better than waiting around for someone who can't be bothered. 

Just remember you are amazing and beautiful and anyone would be lucky to be your friend. 

Xoxo Elyce. 


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