Have your parents ever told you to respect them yet they have none for you? Do your parents tell you respect is earned yet get mad when you say it to them? Well how does an alcoholic parent expect you to gain their respect?

This is for those of you living, lived with, or moving in with an alcoholic parent. 

They most likely won't get better. You'll just have "better days". Days where their drinking isn't as bad as others, days where they start drinking later in the day, and the days you're lucky enough to not have to deal with it. 

I have learned first hand to not fight it. They won't listen and will get extremely upset if you tell them they have a problem. 

If you feel like your life is being effected negatively by someone with an alcohol problem please don't be afraid to speak up. If you need to speak to a counsellor that's ok it doesn't make you weak. 

I hope this post helps anyone in anyway. 

Xoxo Elyce. 


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